Humanitarni radMozzart

Potpisana slika Željka Obradovića od danas je na humanitarnoj aukciji

Caffe “Žoc” želi da prikupljeni novac donira za lečenje jednog ili više mališana!


Čačanski caffe “Žoc”, koji je poneo ime po najtrofejnijem treneru Evrope Željku Obradoviću, i u kome možete degustirati originalno Žoc pivo, organizuje humanitarnu aukciju jedne potpisane Žocove slike. Delo je nastalo na canvas slikarskom platnu, a rad je autora Vladice Milovanovića Vlajsa. Dimenzije platna su 135×90 centimetara.


Da podsetimo, Željko Obradović je trener koji je u Evroligi osvojio devet titula. Sa Partizanom, Huventudom, Realom, Fenerbahčeom i pet sa Panatinaikosom. Reprezentaciju Srbije doveo je do evropskog i svetskog zlata, a broj klupskih trofeja iluzorno je nabrajati.

Trofejni trener je potpisao jedno platno koje se nalazi u caffeu “Žoc”.  Suvlasnik caffea Dragan Albić Biska, veliki Željkov prijatelj, želi da na humanitarnoj aukciji proda rad, a prikupljeni novac donira za lečenje bolesne dece. Od visine sume će zavisiti da li će donacija otići za lečenje jednog ili više bolesnih mališana.

Aukcije je počela…

A portrait of Željko Obradović with his sign on it is up for a humanitarian auction from today

“Žoc” cafe wants to donate raised money for treatment of one or more kids!

“Žoc”cafe from Čačak, a cafe named after the coach with the most trophies in Europe, Željko Obradović, and a place where you can taste the genuine Žoc beer, is organizing a humanitarian auction of a signed painting of Žoc. It was painted on canvas by Vladica Milovanović Vlajs. The size of the canvas is 135×90 centimeters.

We should like to remind you that Željko Obradović is the coach who won nine titles in the EuroLeague. It was with Partizan, Juventud, Real, Fenerbahçe and five times with Panathinaikos. He led the Serbia national basketball team to both the European and world gold, whereas the number of club trophies is countless.

The trophy-winning coach has signed the canvas from “Žoc”cafe. The co-owner of the cafe, Dragan Albić Biska, and a great friend of Željko’s, wants to sell the painting at the humanitarian auction and donate raised money for the treatment of ill children. The amount of the collected sum shall determine whether the donation will be used for the treatment of one child or more ill children.

The auction is open …



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