April je bio pravi rođendanski mesec za STOP SHOP ritejl parkove u Srbiji, autrijske kompanije IMOFINNAZ. Završavamo ga svečano 30.aprila u Čačku sjajnom kupovinom po super cenama i brojnim iznenađenjima za posetioce.
Proslava sedmog rođendana STOP SHOP ritejl parka u Čačku pravi je trenutak za šoping, jer su brendovi za 30. april spremili atraktivne akcije i popuste na artikle iz svoje široke ponude.Tu su na jednom mestu i aktuelne kolekcije za proleće/leto 2022. kako bi ugođaj bio potpun – u sigurnoj atmosferi STOP SHOP-a.Specijalnu slavljeničku pesmu za ovu priliku je snimio Prljavi inspektor Blaža, a posetioce očekuje još iznenađenja. Kada STOP SHOP slavi rođendan, dele se pokloni!
STOP SHOP će i rođendan u Čačku obeležiti tako što će svoje fanove obradovati interesantnim poklonimana društvenim mrežama Facebook i Instagram. Svi posetioci STOP SHOP ritejl parka su pozvani da učestvuju u Fejsbuk konkursu „Vreme je za rođendan!“ – da se fotografišu u STOP SHOP Čačak i napišu zašto vole da kupuju tamo i u čijem društvu. Troje najzanimljivijih autora, po izboru žirija, STOP SHOP će obradovati vaučerima u iznosu od po 5.000 dinara. U Instagram konkursu„Napravi STOP SHOP rođendansku čestitku“ autore tri najkreativnije želje čekajupoklon kuponi u iznosu od po 5.000 dinara.
Za sve informacije o aktivnostima i ponudi STOP SHOP-ova u Srbiji posetiteFejsbuk i Instagram profileritejl parka.
End of April in the sign of STOP SHOP Čačak:
Seventh birthday with gifts and shopping
April was a real birthday month for STOP SHOP in Serbia, retail parks of the Austrian company IMMOFINAZ. We finish it festivelyon April 30 in Čačak with a great shopping, good prices and numerous surprises for visitors.
The celebration of the seventh birthday of the STOP SHOP retail park in Čačak is the right moment for shopping, because for April 30 the brands have prepared attractive promotions and discounts on items from their wide offer. There are also current collections for spring/summer 2022 in one place in order to complete the atmosphere – in the safe place of STOP SHOP. A special celebratory song for this occasion was recorded by Dirty Inspector Blaža, and also more surprises await visitors. There are presents for visitors when STOP SHOP celebrates its birthday,!
STOP SHOP will also celebrate its birthday in Čačak surprising its fans with interesting gifts on the social networks Facebook and Instagram. All visitors of the STOP SHOP retail park are invited to participate in the Facebook competition “It’s time for a birthday!” – to take photos in the STOP SHOP Čačak and write why they like to shop there and in whose company. The three most interesting authors, chosen by the jury, will get vouchers in the amount of 5,000 dinars each. In the Instagram competition “Make a STOP SHOP birthday card”, the gift coupons in the amount of 5,000 dinars eachwill be givenauthors of the three most creative wishes.
For all information about the activities and offer of STOP SHOPs in Serbia, visit the Facebook and Instagram profiles of the retail park.